What Is Performance Testing?

Performance Testing applies in examining the Responsiveness, Speed, and Stability of an application. It ensures that a computer, device, network, or software application performs as expected under specific workload conditions. A strong Performance Testing strategy includes tests that evaluate Reliability, Processing Speed, Data transfer rate, Throughput, and Network Bandwidth.

Load Testing

Stress Testing

Scalability Testing

Configuration Testing

Soak Testing

Capacity testing

Resilience Testing

Volume Testing

Endurance Testing

Spike Testing

Select the Most Appropriate Performance Testing Tools

Our team of Performance testing experts ensures that our clients select the Performance Testing Tools, Application Monitoring Tools, and Tech Stack. These tools complement their Software Development Lifecycle, Team Structure, and Testing Needs. Our QA engineers are tool-agnostic and have the expertise to use whichever tools are best for the overall project. A few tools our team uses for Performance Testing are:

Why Partner With QAffluent?

  • Nearshore, Offshore, or Hybrid Outsourcing options.
  • A dedicated team of QA experts familiar with your Specific Industry and Testing Needs.
  • Access to State-of-the-art Ttesting Facilities, Test Labs, and Tools.
  • A team Well-versed in Specific Industry Rules, Regulations, and Laws.
  • Access to an Advanced Technology group constantly improving our Automation, Database, DevOps, Dev, and IT capabilities.
  • Non-billable Engineering Leadership and US Customer Support.

Select the Most Appropriate Performance Testing Tools


One of our clients serve enterprise legal matter management solutions and was experiencing business requirements shifting according to their customers’ demands, requiring our client to adopt an Aagile Workflow and an entirely new way of thinking about Testing and Collaboration across Development and QA.


Our team of testing experts took a three-pronged approach to make sure our client’s application performs as expected. The course of action included Strategy Planning, so we could adapt to their Agile Process and create a Comprehensive Performance Testing Plan. We then identified and prioritized all of the Business-Critical Workflows to ensure thorough testing and developed scripts for testing their Prioritized Scenarios. These scripts were then integrated with our CI tool for Automatic Test Execution and Report Generation.


Finally, our client experienced Significant Cost Savings across several areas, including Hardware and Testing tool Expenses, Human Resources, and change management by identifying Performance Defects and Architectural Issues early on by offering greater Visibility into overall and specific scenario performance.